This is how the pellet community works

Benefit from low prices and optimal care!

On these pages you will find information about the private pellet community – consumer group for wood pellet heating.

The Pellets-Gemeinde is the first consumer organization (at the same time a purchasing group) in the wood pellet heating industry. It was founded in 2002 in the district of Nürnberger Land and now extends over the area between Regensburg in the south and Schweinfurt in the north, as well as Feuchtwangen in the west and Schwandorf  in the east.

Since the beginning of 2004, other pellet communities have also been established in other regions.

Since September 2008, the Nürnberger Land forest management community has strengthened the pellets community and looks after all Bavarian members who have joined since then.

At the Pellets-Gemeinde you will receive facts about cheap procurement options for (according to DINplus) certified wood pellets  and the basic design of wood pellet heating systems, or help for self-help, how to smoothly manage the path to your own pellet heating system.

Since June 2009 we have also been providing you with pellets in sacks . You can pick up the goods in sacks at short notice from two storage locations in the district of Nürnberger Land.
See also „All about pellets“

We also offer the opportunity to inspect pellet systems at the operators and to exchange experiences between system operators. The latter has proven to be a good means of eliminating problem areas. Where manufacturers, craftsmen and pellet suppliers show weaknesses, the pellets community closes the gap so that the end consumer is not left out in the rain.

If you wish to become a member, you should reside in the area described above.
Please send us the application for membership by e-mail to
Unfortunately, we cannot accept you without an e-mail address .

Download membership application